Trudy’s Basic Protein Smoothie
1-1.25 cups fresh or frozen fruit (20-25 grams carb)
1-2 scoops (20-40 grams) whey protein isolate
1 cup liquid -soy milk, rice milk, distilled water, juice
1-2 Tablespoons flax seed oil
0-2 scoops Carbo pro (0-5-grams)
Optional Additions:
emergentC vitamin packets
1 scoop green food powder
Garden of Life “super seed”
Creatine monohydrate
Plain yogurt
Whey protein isolate: Optimum Nutrition
Flax Seed Oil: Supplies Essential Fatty Acids, purchase flax seed oil in dark containers in the refrigerated section of most any health food store
Carbo Pro helps restore muscle glycogen used during aerobic workout can be purchased at the Salt Lake Running Co.
EmergenC, Green Food, Super Seed are fabulous additions to any smoothie and can be purchased at any health food store
Creatine and Glutamine good for recovery, muscle strength and bolster immunity system, Can be purchased at any health food store.