Apple Salad – Randy Owen

10 lg. red delicious unpeeled apples, diced                          1¼ c. Ocean Spray craisins

¾ c. golden raisins                                                              ¾ c. pecan pieces                           

⅛ tsp. cinnamon                                                                  ½ tsp. nutmeg

7- 6oz. Yoplait French Vanilla Yogurt- light and/or original


The crispier and tastier the apple, the better the salad.  Suzette uses a couple kinds of apples.  She also peels half, but leaves the peel on the other half for the red color.  Dice apples into lemon water then drain when combining with salad.  The amount of any of the ingredients can be adjusted to your taste.  Makes a large salad – half the amount if desired for a smaller salad.


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