White Chocolate Peppermint Candy Crunch- Catherine Johnston

Ingredients Needed:

5 lbs. White Mint Chocolate

1 lb. Package Peppermint Candy Crunch

1 4 oz. Package Paramount Crystals

Cookie Baking Sheet (large)


For each pound of white chocolate you will need to add 1 teaspoon of paramount crystals. This so that the chocolate will pour easily and more loosely. Do this before heating in microwave.


First, sprinkle baking pan with desired peppermint crunch pieces. I use about 1/3 bag. Reserve a few for sprinkling on top when next steps are completed. Use as much or little as you like. It is to your liking.


Second, Zap in microwave the white mint chocolate. Use plastic or glass bowl to do this. Remember to have already added your paramount flakes.


I use about 2 lbs. of chocolate on top of peppermint chunks and smooth the surface with spatula. Now is when you may sprinkle more crunchies on top. You do not have to do this. It just looks pretty and festive.


 Fourth, Place in freezer for 5 minutes until hardened and remove. Break apart with large knife, place into decorative bags and tie with ribbon or raffia. Whatever you desire.


FYI_ You can break up chocolate bag into 3 like amounts. The same with the peppermint crunch and you can equalize your recipes this way and have no leftover amounts. All ingredients can be purchased at Shepherds in Provo.


Each batch makes about 9-10 bags of candy.

Bags are also available at Shepherds.

Have fun and enjoy this simple but tasty Christmas treat.


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